EE Introduction
Author: Test
This lab introduces spatial data models for representing geographic entities and phenomena in Google Earth Engine.
Create a new script in your labs-gee repository called ee-introduction.js. Enter the following comment header to the script.
Client and Server
In the preliminary lab you have been writing JavaScript programs that are executed in your browser and run on the hardware in your local machine (i.e. any data in variables you declare resides in your computer’s memory and the functions you call run on your computer’s CPU).
However, your machine has limited storage, memory, and processing power. Google Earth Engine allows you to access cloud servers comprising more powerful computers and access to larger datasets. You still write a Google Earth Engine program in JavaScript using the code editor in your browser; however, the servers storing and processing the geospatial data in your program are located in the cloud.
The execution of a Google Earth Engine program is as follows:
- You write a series of JavaScript statements that identify geospatial data and operations to perform on this data.
- Your browser sends these statements to the Google servers.
- The Google servers process your message, access data you requested, and perform the operations outlined in your script.
- Results your program requests back from the Google servers are returned to your browser and displayed (e.g. a map is drawn in your browser display, results are printed to the Console, a file is made available to download).
The ee
It is important to distinguish between variables that are stored, and operations that are run, locally on your machine and data and operations that run in the cloud. The ee
prefix indicates that the data being referred to in your script is a server side object. For example, var localString = 'on my computer'
is a string type variable stored locally on your machine where as var cloudString = ee.String('in the cloud')
is a proxy object for a variable containing string data located on servers in the cloud.
In general, any variable that is declared as ee.<Thing>()
is server side and any method or operation of the form ee.<Thing>().method()
is a server side operation. One way of understanding ee.<Thing>()
is as a container that you put instructions inside to send to the Google servers; for example, in var cloudString = ee.String('in the cloud')
you are putting a client side string 'in the cloud'
in a container and that data is sent to servers in the cloud. Similarly, you could put the ID of geospatial data that is stored in cloud databases and assign it to server side variables that are used in your program; executing var landsatImage = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA/LC81130822014033LGN00')
will assign the Landsat image with the specified ID to the variable landsatImage
in your script.
If the geospatial data and operations used in your program are server side how do you access or visualise the results? There are a range of functions in Google Earth Engine that let you request data from the server to be displayed in your browser. For example, the print()
function can request server side objects and print them to the Console and the Map.addLayer()
function requests spatial data which is displayed in the map.
Spatial Data Models
A spatial data model refers to a conceptual model for describing geographic phenomena or entities. A spatial data model typically contains two pieces of information:
- Positional information describing location, shape, and extent (e.g. an
(x, y)
coordinate pair representing the location of a weather station). - Attribute information describing characteristics of the phenomenon or entity (e.g. a name:value pair recording the name of the weather station
name:'Perth Airport'
A spatial data model is a representation of geographic phenomena or entities; therefore, some detail is abstracted away.
Vector Data Model
The vector data model represents geographic phenomena or entities as geometric features:
- points (i.e. a coordinate pair of values)
- lines (i.e. two or more points connected by a line)
- polygons (i.e. three or more points connected by a non-intersecting line which “closes” the polygon)
Along with coordinates that represent the position of the geometry, vector data also stores non-spatial attribute information.
The figure below demonstrates how geographic entities in Perth can be represented using the vector data model. The blue line feature broadly captures the shape of the river; however, it is a simplification as it does not provide information about how the river’s width varies across space. The red point feature is used to represent the location of Perth; this might be an appropriate way to represent Perth’s location on a zoomed out map but it does not capture Perth’s actual extent.
What detail is abstracted away by representing Kings Park using the green polygon feature?
- Shape of Kings Park is simplified using only 6 vertices.
- Variation in land cover types and land uses within the park is not captured.
Raster Data Model
The raster data model represents geographic phenomena or entities as a grid of cells (pixels). Attribute information about geographic phenomena or entities is described by assigning a value to each pixel. The dimensions of a pixel relative to distance on the Earth’s land surface determines the complexity and detail of spatial features that can be resolved in raster data. A pixel that represents a 1 km x 1 km footprint on the Earth’s surface will not be able to represent an individual tree or a single building. Pixel values can be continuous (e.g. values represent precipitation) or categorical (e.g. values represent a land cover type).
The figure below shows the 2018 European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) land cover map for 2018. This is a raster data model representation of land cover; each pixel represents a 300 m x 300 m area on the Earth’s land surface and a pixel can only represent a single land cover type. If you look at the bottom two zoomed in maps you can see some limitations of modelling land cover using 300 m x 300 m spatial resolution raster data. The shape of land cover features are poorly represented by the “block-like” arrangement of pixels and there is variation in land cover within a single pixel (a mixed pixel problem).
How could you represent spatial variation in elevation using vector and raster data models?
- Vector data model: contour lines.
- Raster data model: digital elevation model (DEM) - each pixel value represents the elevation at that location.
Spatial Data Structures
Raster data in GEE are represented as Image
To create an Image
object that stores raster data on the Google Earth Engine server use the ee.Image()
constructor. You pass arguments into the ee.Image()
constructor to specify what raster data should be represented by the Image
object. If you pass a number into ee.Image()
you will get a constant image where each pixel value is the number passed in.
Add the following code to your GEE script. This will create an image object where each pixel has the value 5 which can be referred to using the variable img5
. Click on the Inspector tab and then click at locations on the map. You should see the value 5 printed in the Inspector.
// Raster where pixel values equal 5
var img5 = ee.Image(5);
Map.addLayer(img5, {palette:['FF0000']}, 'Raster with pixel value = 5');
Alternatively, you can pass a string id into the ee.Image()
constructor to specify a Google Earth Engine asset (e.g. a Landsat image). Google Earth Engine assets are geospatial data that are stored in cloud databases on Google servers, are available for use in your programs, and are frequently updated - see the available data at the Google Earth Engine data catalog.
The variable img
in the code block below refers to an Image
object on the Google servers storing Landsat 8 data. This variable can be used in your program to access, query, and analyse the Landsat data. Pass the variable img
into the print()
function to view the Landsat 8 Image
’s metadata. The Image
metadata should be printed in the Console. Exploring the Image
metadata in the Console is demonstrated in the video below.
// Pass Landsat 8 image id into Image constructor*
var img = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA/LC81130822014033LGN00');
An Image
can have one or more bands, each band is a georeferenced raster which can have its own set of properties such as data type (e.g. Integer), scale (spatial resolution), band name, and projection. The Image
object itself can contain metadata relevant to all bands inside a dictionary object.
Go to the Console and you should see the Landsat 8 Image
has 12 bands. Click on a band and you should see some band specific properties such as its projection (crs: EPSG:32650
). Click on the Image
to explore metadata that applies to the Image
such as cloud cover at the time of Image
capture (CLOUD_COVER: 11.039999961853027
) or the satellite carrying the sensor (SPACECRAFT_ID: LANDSAT_8
You can visualise the Landsat 8 Image
on the map display in your browser. To do this you use the Map.addLayer()
function to request the Image
stored in the variable img
on the Google servers to be displayed in your browser. The following code block will visualise an RGB composite map of the Landsat 8 data stored in img
in your browser’s display.
/* Define the visualization parameters. The bands option allows us to specify which bands to map. Here, we choose B4 (Red), B3 (Green), B2 (Blue) to make a RGB composite image.*/
var vizParams = {
bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
min: 0,
max: 0.5,
// Centre the display and then map the image
Map.centerObject(img, 10);
Map.addLayer(img, vizParams, 'RGB composite');
Geometry Objects
The spatial location or extent of vector data is stored as Geometry
objects. Google Earth Engine implements the Geometry
objects outlined in the GeoJSON spec:
- Point
- MultiPoint
- LineString
- MultiLineString
- Polygon
- MultiPolygon
To create a Geometry
object programmatically use the ee.Geometry.<geometry type>()
constructor (e.g. for a LineString object use ee.Geometry.LineString()
) and pass the coordinates for the object as an argument to the constructor. Look at the code block below to observe that coordinates for a location in Kings Park are passed as arguments to the ee.Geometry.Point()
constructor to create a point Geometry
object (locationKP
//location of Kings Park
var locationKP = ee.Geometry.Point(115.831751, -31.962064);
// Display the point on the map.
Map.centerObject(locationKP, 11); // 11 = zoom level
Map.addLayer(locationKP, {color: 'FF0000'}, 'Kings Park');
If you explore the metadata for locationKP
in the Console you will see the object has a type
field which indicates the object is of Point
type and a coordinates
field which contains the the coordinates for the point. The value of the coordinates
field is an ordered x y pair.
You can create LineString objects in a similar way. Here, you can pass the coordinates as an array into the ee.Geometry.LineString()
constructor. As noted in the GeoJSON spec, coordinates for LineString objects are an array of ordered x y pairs.
// May Drive as a LineString object
var mayDr = ee.Geometry.LineString(
115.84063447625735, -31.959551722179764],
[[115.8375445714722, -31.957002964307144],
[115.83303846032717, -31.956201911510334],
[115.82994855554202, -31.957403488085628],
[115.827244888855, -31.9606440253292],
[115.82625783593753, -31.961445039381488],
[115.82368291528323, -31.96217322791136],
[115.82127965600588, -31.963811630990566],
[115.82055009515383, -31.96563204456937],
[115.82278169305422, -31.96690631259952],
[115.82325376184085, -31.968471817682193],
[115.82218087823489, -31.969818858827356],
[115.82222379357913, -31.970401356984638]]);
Map.addLayer(mayDr, {color: '00FF00'}, 'May Drive');
objects in Google Earth Engine are by default geodesic (i.e. edges are the shortest path on a spherical surface) as opposed to planar (edges follow the shortest path on a 2D surface). You can read more about the difference between geodesic and planar geometries here.
You can also import Geometry
objects into your scripts by manually drawing them on the map display using the Geometry Tools. The Geometry Tools are located in the upper left corner of the map display.
The following video illustrates how to use the Geometry Tools to create a Polygon object representing Kings Park and how to use the variable storing the geometry object in your script.
Some things to note:
- Use the placemark icon
to create Point or MultiPoint objects.
- Use the line icon
to create Line or MultiLine objects.
- Use the polygon icon
to create Polygon or MultiPolygon objects.
- Use the spanner icon to configure how geometry objects that you create using Geometry Tools are imported into your script and styling options for display on the map.
- Use + new layer to create new
objects. If you want to create separateGeometry
objects for different geographic features remember to click this button before digitising a new feature.
objects describe the positional information of vector data; however, there is also a need to represent attribute information. Vector data in Google Earth Engine which contains geometry data (representing location and shape) and attribute data are GeoJSON Feature
A Feature
object is of type Feature with a geometry
property which contains a Geometry
object or null
and a properties
property which stores a dictionary object of name:value pairs of attribute information associated with the geographic feature.
Execute the code block below to convert the Geometry
object representing Kings Park to a Feature
object with a properties
property with a name attribute. Inspect the Feature
object in the Console.
// Create a Feature from the Geometry.
var kpFeature = ee.Feature(locationKP, {name: 'Kings Park'});
How would a Feature
object differ if the Kings Park geometry
property was of Polygon type rather than point? Can you convert kpPoly
to a Feature
The geometry
property of the Feature
object would contain an array object of coordinates for the outline of the Polygon.
// Create polygon Feature
var kpPolyFeature = ee.Feature(kpPoly, {name: 'Kings Park'});
You can read more about Feature
objects in Google Earth Engine here.
Collections in Google Earth Engine comprise groups of related objects. ImageCollections
contain stacks of related Image
objects and FeatureCollections
contain sets of related Feature
objects. Storing objects together in a collection means that operations can be easily applied to all the objects in the collection such as sorting, filtering, summarsing, or other mathematical operations. For example, all Landsat 8 surface reflectance Images
are stored in an ImageCollection
with the ID 'LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR'
. You can pass this string ID into the ee.ImageCollection()
constructor to import all Landsat 8 surface reflectance Images
into your program.
If you were creating a program to monitor land surface changes over Kings Park in 2018, you might want to import an ImageCollection
of all Landsat 8 Images
into your program and then filter the ImageCollection
for Landsat 8 scenes that intersect with the extent of Kings Park and were captured in 2018. The following code block demonstrates this. You can then apply subsequent analysis or summary operations to the ImageCollection
stored in the variable l8ImCollKP
// Landsat 8 Image Collection
var l8ImColl = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR");
// Filter Image Collection for 2018 and Images that intersect Kings Park
var l8ImCollKP = l8ImColl
.filterDate("2018-01-01", "2018-12-31");
You should find 45 Landsat 8 surface reflectance Images
that intersected with Kings Park in 2018. You can inspect all the Images
in the ImageCollection
in the Console. The ability to store spatial data in collections makes creating programs that need to access and analyse big geospatial data easier.
You have already created your own ImageCollection
that contains only the Landsat 8 Images
for the spatial and temporal extent of interest to you (Kings Park in 2018). Now you can easily apply a range of functions and operations to all the Images
in the ImageCollection
. For example, you could apply a function that identifies maximum greenness observed at each pixel in 2018 to analyse spatial variability in vegetation cover. You will learn how to apply functions to Images
in ImageCollections
in subsequent labs.
You can find more information on ImageCollections
here and FeatureCollections
How would you represent multiple weather stations and observations recorded at these stations as a FeatureCollection
Each weather station would be a Feature
object in the FeatureCollection
. Each weather station Feature
would have a geometry
property containing a Point Geometry
object representing the location of the station and a properties
property containing objects of name:value pairs of weather observations for a given day.
// Example structure of weather stations Feature Collection
{"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"station-id": XXXX,
"date": "01-01-2018",
"temperature": 29
}"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
{"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"station-id": XXXX,
"date": "02-01-2018",
"temperature": 27
}"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
] }
1. Can you use the Geometry Tools to create a LineString Geometry
object representing a road? and 2. can you convert the LineString Geometry
object to a Feature
object by giving it a road_name
Point , Line
, and Polygon
marker symbols obtained from Google Earth Engine Developers Guide